*For use with Ashleigh & Burwood Fragrance oil, which can be purchased separately*
A beautiful, ethereal design that emits the glint of moonlight bouncing off beautiful blooms with its mosaic of pinks, purples, blues and silver, dispersed amongst dark, midnight tones.
Fragrance Lamps actively purify, cleanse and perfume the air in the home, removing malodours and contaminants. Used in combination with any Ashleigh & Burwood Lamp Fragrance, you can scent and purify your air at the same time!
Fragrance lamps are an incredibly powerful way to fragrance your home and consequently do not need to be used for extended periods of time. For the optimum balance of room fragrancing with fragrance usage, we recommend to burn your lamp for up to 30 minutes per time (an average sized room is about 20sqm, so this equates to about 1 minute per m3). You will find that the fragrance in fact lingers in the air for several hours afterwards.